French Revolution MCQ For class 9

Question 1: When did the French Revolution begin??
a) 1789
b) 1799
c) 1804
d) 1815
Explanation: No explanation
Question 2: The French society was divided into how many estates before the revolution?
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Five
Explanation: No explanation
Question 3: Which estate in France comprised the clergy?
a) First Estate
b) Second Estate
C) c) Third Estate
d) Fourth Estate
Explanation First state in France comprised the clergy
Question 4:The economic condition of which estate was most precarious before the revolution?
a) First Estate
b) Second Estate
c) Third Estate
d) Fourth Estate
Explanation: No explanation
Question 5: What was the main reason for the financial crisis in France before the revolution?
a) Excessive military spending
b) High taxes on the nobility
c) Economic exploitation of the colonies
d) Lavish spending of the clergy
Explanation: No explanation
Question 6: The Tennis Court Oath took place in:
a) Palace of Versailles
b) Notre-Dame Cathedral
c) Tennis Court
d) Bastille
Explanation: No explanation
Question 7: The famous slogan of the French Revolution was:
a) Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
b) No Taxation without Representation
c) E Pluribus Unum
d) Give me liberty or give me death
Explanation: The famous slogan of the French Revolution was Liberty, Equality, Fraternity
Question 8: The storming of the Bastille occurred on:
a) 14th July 1789
b) 4th July 1789
c) 21st June 1789
d) 5th August 1789
Explanation: The storming of the Bastille occurred on 14th July 1789
Question 9: The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was inspired by:
a) American Revolution
b) Indian Independence Movement
c) Russian Revolution
d) Chinese Revolution
Explanation: The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was inspired by American Revolution
Question 10: Which French king was executed during the revolution?
A) a) Louis XVI
b) Louis XIV
c) Napoleon Bonaparte
d) Charles X
Explanation: Louis XVI was executed during the revolution
Question 11: Who was the leader of the Jacobin club during the Reign of Terror?
a) Maximilien Robespierre
b) Jean-Paul Marat
c) Louis XVI
d) Napoleon Bonaparte
Explanation: Maximilien Robespierre was the leader of the Jacobin club during the Reign of Terror

Question 12: Which event marked the end of the Reign of Terror?
a) Storming of the Bastille
b) Execution of Louis XVI
c) Execution of Robespierre
d) Tennis Court Oath
Explanation: Execution of Robespierre marked the end of the Reign of Terror

Question 13: The period of the Directory in France came after:
a) The Reign of Terror
b) The Storming of the Bastille
c) The Tennis Court Oath
d) The execution of Louis XVI
Explanation: The period of the Directory in France came after The Reign of Terror

Question 14: The coup d'état of 18 Brumaire brought which leader to power in France?
a) Louis XVI
b) Robespierre
c) Napoleon Bonaparte
d) Marat
Explanation: No explanation

Question 15: The Napoleonic Code was a:
a) Set of military rules
b) A code of conduct for the clergy
c) A system of taxation
d) A comprehensive legal code
Explanation: No explanation

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